Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
რეგიონალური თანამშრომლობა კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის განვითარებისათვის
Տարածաշրջանային համագործակցություն հանուն մշակութային ժառանգության զարգացման
Національна політика щодо культурної спадщини
Mədəni irsin inkişaf Etdimilməsi üçün regional əməkdaşlıq
Рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва ў мэтах развіцця культурнай спадчыны
RCCHD Project closing event
Project -“Regional Co-operation for the Cultural Heritage Development” closing event will be held on 28 November, 2014 During the event together with main results of the project, a last product of the project, a publication: National Policy of Heritage Sector in Georgia will be presented. The event will be held on 15.00 o'clock
Presentation of draft of National Policy of Heritage Sector in Georgia to Georgian National Museum staff
Presentation takes place on October 23rd, at 5:00 o'clock at the GNM Auditorium
22. 10.2014. Presentation of the draft of National Policy of Heritage Sector in Georgia
On October 22 , 2014 ICOMOS Georgia organised a presentation of the draft of National Policy of Heritage Sector in Georgia . The event was held at George Chubinashvili Research Center for Georgian Art history and Heritage Preservation .
Batumi. 02.10.2014 ICOMOS Georgia launched series of presentations on draft of National Pilicy of Heritage Sector in Georgia
On 2, October, 2014 at the University of Arts Study, Batumi, ICOMOS Georgia hold Presentation of the draft of National Policy of Heritage Sector in Georgia. The Document is elaborated within the EU EaP Culture Programme funded project – “Regional Co-operation for Heritage Development”.
10th International Capacity Building Workshop – Sustainability and Added values of heritage site rehabilitation was held in Tbilisi on July 14-15th within the EaP Culture Programme’s project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
Presentation of a pubvlication - Teachers' Manual - Introducing Young People to the Protection of Heritage Sites and Historic Cities
ICOMOS Georgia is pleased to invite you to the presentation of Georgian version of Teachers' Manual - Introducing Young People to the Protection of Heritage Sites and Historic Cities published within the EaP Culture Programme project „Regional Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Development“ Presentation takes place at Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Tbilisi, Georgia
Statement of the Georgian National Committee of ICOMOS on Recent Developments in Heritage Sector in Georgia
ICOMOS Georgia appeals to the wide public, Georgian authorities and international organisations to observe and respond to the recent developments in heritage sector in Georgia, endangering ancient cultural and unique natural heritage of Georgia and their diversity, which has greatly contributed to the creation of universal human values of the mankind.
Draft of the Georgian adapted text of the Teachers' Manual
Call for Contributions. Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal
ICOMOS Georgia and its partners – ICOMOS Armenia, Ltd. Architectura I Prestizh (Ukraine), Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage – are pleased to announce that already four issues of the e-magazine Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal, established within the framework of the project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development are available online
Final Presentation and discussion of draft teachers' manual for Wider stakeholders, 4, March, 2014
8th International Capacity Building Workshop – “Co-operation of ICOMOS National Committees of East and Central European Countries on Management of World Heritage Properties”
Co-operation of ICOMOS National Committees of East and Central European Countries on Management of World Heritage Properties
Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development 8th International Capacity Building Workshop – “Co-operation of ICOMOS National Committees of East and Central European Countries on Management of World Heritage Properties” Tbilisi, 23-24 January 2014
ICOMOS Georgia's Comments on New Governmental Initiative on Amendment to the Law of Georgia on Cultural Heritage
Statement against proposed amendments to the Law on Cultural Heritage of Georgia
“Action Guide - how to campaign to save buildings”, 15-16 October, 2013
On 15-16th `October, 2013 International Workshop: “Action Guide - how to campaign to save buildings” was held in Tbili with support of British Council. It was the 7th workshop in the series of Capacity Building events envisaged within the framework of the project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development funded by the European Union. Participants of the workshop came from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, UK and Ukraine.
Awareness Raising Seminars held for Mtskheta local community
Awareness Seminars for Historic Mtskheta residents on importance of Cultural and Natural heritage and its protection. 30.09.2013 – 04.10.2013
On 30 October 2013 the series of Seminars for Historic Mtskheta residents on importance of Cultural and Natural heritage and its protection was launched with aim to support involvement of local residents and different stakeholders in Management of World Heritage of Mtskheta.
Round Table discussion
On September 17th, 4:00 p.m. RCCHD within its 4th project component: Public Participation and Awareness Raising is organizing a round-table discussion on the topic “Cultural Heritage and Development”.
6th Capacity building workshop "Development Through Conservation"
On 5-6th of September, 2013 International Workshop: "Conservation Through development" was held in Tbilisi. It was the 5th workshop in the series of Capacity Building events envisaged within the framework of the project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development funded by the European Union. Participants of the workshop came from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Ukraine. Each of them presented cases from their own countries and shared their experiences.
6th Capacity building workshop
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RCCHD Project:
Office 16b, Betlemi ascent, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: +995 32 2-98-45-27
© 2012 - Eastern Partnership Culture Programme