Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
რეგიონალური თანამშრომლობა კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის განვითარებისათვის
Տարածաշրջանային համագործակցություն հանուն մշակութային ժառանգության զարգացման
Національна політика щодо культурної спадщини
Mədəni irsin inkişaf Etdimilməsi üçün regional əməkdaşlıq
Рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва ў мэтах развіцця культурнай спадчыны
E- Journal №2
Dear Colleagues,

ICOMOS Georgia and its partners – ICOMOS Armenia, Ltd. Architectura I Prestizh (Ukraine) and Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage – are pleased to announce that issue 2 of the regional e-magazine Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal, established within the EU funded project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development, is now available online.

Issue 2 of our e-magazine is prevailed by the articles – Mr. Gagik Gyurjyan (Armenia), Dr. Olena Oliynik (Ukraine), Mrs. Valeria Suruceanu (Moldova) – focused on the cultural heritage policy issues, which is a vivid evidence that this is a common and acute problem within the region. It shows that the EaP countries are still in the process of transition, moving along a far not smooth path towards desirable environment of the heritage sector. Another issue of particular interest is the treatment of architectural heritage, which is discussed by Dr. Nune Chilingaryan (Armenia), Yuri Lositski (Ukraine), Dr. Manana Suramelashvili (Georgia), showing that there are common problems with the recognition of the values of architectural heritage, but different concepts of its treatment methodology. Archaeological heritage is presented by Dr. Malahat Farajova (Azerbaijan) and Ana Shanshiashvili (Georgia). While Dr. Farajova’s article concerns a positive case of combined efforts of different stakeholders to introduce novelties through new vision of the Gobustan World Heritage site, A. Shanshiashvili puts forward a pressing problem of protection of the vulnerable and endangered heritage – old gravestones. And finally, a fresh insight into the Tbilisi Historic Centre management problems expressed by The Fulbright Program Fellow, Ms Angela Wheeler (USA).
We would like to thank the authors for their contribution and co-operation.

Dr. Marine Kenia
Cultural Heritage Policy
Legislative Basis of the Cultural Heritage Protection in Armenia. The Necessity of Perfection
All of us, we have unique and diverse heritage: historical monuments, museums, archives, libraries, musical traditions, history and habits. Cultural heritage determines our peculiarities, emphasizing all the things that connect and separate us. Almost one decade ago we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Hague’s and European cultural conventions, which are the most important documents in cultural heritage preservation. So, it is already more than half a century that heritage preservation is not only moral duty, but also an international law. Our diligence and fidelity as heritage guards can be effective only in the solid legal framework.
(See in Armenian)
Problems of Formulation of a National Policy on Cultural Heritage in Ukraine
It is axiomatic that a nation’s attitude to its historical monuments indicates the level of its development and the cultural maturity of its citizens. Heritage protection is defined as a priority area of national cultural policy.
(See in Ukrainian)
Cultural Heritage Protection Policies in Moldova: between Reality and Necessity
Republic of Moldova is a small country in the Eastern Europe. It went through a difficult historical course towards the social, political and spiritual progress that ended with the gaining of the independence in 1991. The immediate task of the government was the positioning of Republic of Moldova in the European context as a subject with equal rights.
(See in Russian)
Architectural Heritage
Post-socialist Architecture of Armenia: The Free Language of Independence or Authenticity Destruction?
Since 1991, the past two decades have become for Armenia an intense period of radical revisions of priorities and values in its all realms, political, architectural, etc... The realization of Armenian nation’s centuries-old aspiration, the gain of independent State of their own with anticipation for positive changes, at the same time became a catalyst of serious destructive processes, particularly in heritage protection policies.
(See in Armenian)
Some Problems of the Legal Framework of the Restoration and Reconstruction of Kyiv’s Architectural Landmarks
While it preserves a material reflection of times past, an architectural environment inevitably has an impact on the future, passing down our ancestors’ aesthetic preferences, way of thinking, temperament, cultural values and traditions to the coming generations on a subconscious level.
(See in Ukrainian)
Metamorphosis of Historic Architecture
In the recent years a wide-scale rehabilitation of cultural heritage in Georgia touched historic cities and single important medieval complexes. However, this initiative, intended as positive, caused irreversible damage and developed into a full metamorphosis of the historic architecture, which had reached our days in more or less preserved form.
(See in Georgian)
Archaeological Heritage
Innovative Approach to the Creation of New Museum Complex in Gobustan National Historical-Artistic Reserve
Today the role of rock images- petroglyphs, which are one of the main and most important and at the same time the most ancient types of archaeological monuments, is evident. The pleasing fact is that the first big concentrations of ancient rock images on the territory of the Caucasus were found in Azerbaijan.
(See in Azerbaijan)
Old Tbilisian Gravestones – the Endangered Heritage of 19th-early 20th century Georgia
The vital importance of safeguarding 19th-early 20th-century gravestones is still underestimated in Georgia.
(See in Georgian)
External View
American Perspectives on Architectural Heritage Management in Tbilisi
In recent years, many Georgians and international observers have become increasingly concerned about changes to Tbilisi’s historic landscape. In many cases, their concern is warranted: Tbilisi Historic District remained on the World Monument Fund’s list of the top 100 Most Endangered Sites from 1997-2002.
(See in Georgian)
RCCHD Project:
Office 16b, Betlemi ascent, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: +995 32 2-98-45-27
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