Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
რეგიონალური თანამშრომლობა კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის განვითარებისათვის
Տարածաշրջանային համագործակցություն հանուն մշակութային ժառանգության զարգացման
Національна політика щодо культурної спадщини
Mədəni irsin inkişaf Etdimilməsi üçün regional əməkdaşlıq
Рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва ў мэтах развіцця культурнай спадчыны


Regional Networking

Within this activity a Regional E-magazine with forum (possibility to comment on each article) on cultural heritage development will be created published twice a year. In order to better understand heritage preservation problems and common challenges within the region, it is necessary to ensure exchange of the information and experience on all levels; on the other hand, development of the co-operation between the EP region and European countries, ensuring transfer of competencies, is necessary to learn lessons from the European experience of the heritage management for its sustainable development within democratic environment.

The magazine will include articles from all countries of EP region and will comprise following areas: News, Heritage at Risk, Policies, Analysis; Best Practice case from Europe will be included in each issue. Articles will be multi-lingual – English and native languages of the EP region. All proposed project activities will be highlighted in the magazine. Within the project, comments on the published articles will be analysed, which will provide additional source of information to be reflected in other activities of the project, such as national policy development and capacity building workshops. 
Establishment of the Regional E-magazine will be an innovative and easiest way of improving communication within the professionals on the regional and international levels. E-magazine will be linked with the Project website.

E-Magazine №1

E-Magazine №2

RCCHD Project:
Office 16b, Betlemi ascent, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: +995 32 2-98-45-27
© 2012 - Eastern Partnership Culture Programme