Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
რეგიონალური თანამშრომლობა კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის განვითარებისათვის
Տարածաշրջանային համագործակցություն հանուն մշակութային ժառանգության զարգացման
Національна політика щодо культурної спадщини
Mədəni irsin inkişaf Etdimilməsi üçün regional əməkdaşlıq
Рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва ў мэтах развіцця культурнай спадчыны
Presentation and discussion of draft teachers' manual
On February 27th, presentation and discussion of the working draft of Teachers' Practical Manual "Introducing Young People to the Protection of Heritage Sites and Historic Cities" was held at Tbilisi Classical School # 1. The event was organized by ICOMOS Georgia within the EU Eastern Partnership Culture Programme project" Regional Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Development" and co-hosted by the Georgian Association of History Teachers. History and Civic Education teachers from Tbilisi and Mtskheta, representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia Department for National Curricula attended the event and took part in the discussion. The meeting led to some practical advice and comments regarding the finalization of the manual and its future integration in the secondary and high school education curricula and its use by the social sciences teachers. 

Another presentation and discussion of the manual is planned to take place on March 4th and target a wider group of all stakeholders.
RCCHD Project:
Office 16b, Betlemi ascent, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: +995 32 2-98-45-27
© 2012 - Eastern Partnership Culture Programme