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E- Journal №2
Archaeological Heritage
Innovative Approach to the Creation of New Museum Complex in Gobustan National Historical-Artistic Reserve

Dr. Malahat Farajova
Gobustan National Reserve

Today the role of rock images- petroglyphs, which are one of the main and most important and at the same time the most ancient types of archaeological monuments, is evident. The pleasing fact is that the first big concentrations of ancient rock images on the territory of the Caucasus were found in Azerbaijan. In 1939, the outstanding Azerbaijani archaeologist I. M. Jafarzadeh was the first one to discover and explore them. With the aim of the protection of rock images, found on the territory of Gobustan, on September 9, 1966, the areas of Beyukdash, Kichikdash and Jingirdag Mountains were declared Gobustan State Historical-Artistic Reserve by the decree №503of the Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijan SSR. On June 11, 2007, these lands were given the “National” status by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and at the same time, they were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape.

Here the following cultural values are included: rock art: more than 6000 petroglyphs; ancient settlements, ancient burial mounds and sanctuaries; rocks and rocky caves that once served as dwellings for an ancient man and rocky walls covered with rock images.

In order to maintain interest to museums at the epoch of rapid technological development it is very important to keep up with technical progress. In spite of the fact that more than 100 years have passed since the discovery of electricity to the invention of computer, just a few years separate the invention of computer and internet. This natural phenomenon is observed in not only technological progress but also in all other spheres of social activity – science, culture, social relations and so on. In order to adapt museum development to this natural phenomenon it is always necessary to use innovative methods and technology.

It is generally known that at present time new technologies such as computer science, management, marketing, fundraising and so on, play an important role in the museum activity.

Formation of cultural, scientific, enlightening and tourist activity centers on the basis of archaeological, ethnographic, architectural, natural landscape complexes and museums functioning in the open air seems to be more perspective in this sphere.

 Wide experience in the development of such projects is observed in the museums and reserves of America (Smithsonian museum network), Europe (The Grotto of Gargas, Nestploriya digital center, Ariege), South Africa (Drankensberg park).

In the few last years new museum models appeared in Asia, for instance, China Maritime Museum, Diangzxu Archaeological museum, Shanghai museum network in China and museum complexes in South Korea.

Such museum-archaeological complexes started to appear in Azerbaijan as well. Such centers chiefly represent a new activity model of cultural-historical sites possessing enormous resources and wide opportunities. On their basis it is possible to create a principally new cultural tourist environment for many regions of Azerbaijan. Today the appearance of a great number of totally non-traditional tourist spheres (ethnographic, archaeological and so on) is observed. In this sense Gobustan represents a diverse cultural and historical-archaeological site ready to introduce various innovations.

The creation of a new digital database of cultural values of Gobustan reserve started a few years ago. As a result of the implementation of this project a digital map of all monuments, located on the territory of the reserve will be created with the help of which it will be possible to get any data about them. As it was already mentioned, Gobustan, as a part of rich heritage of the World Rock Art, was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in 2007. In connection with this, according to the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, and the available Action Plan, a new museum building with 12 halls and service complex for the reserve staff was constructed by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The project was worked out by the «DD Studio Ltd » Lithuanian design company.

In connection with the project the museum halls are equipped with the advanced technology that meets modern requirements and world standards. Beginning since ancient times up to middle ages, the way of life, economy, occupations of ancient peoples, as well as landscape, climate, variability of environment, flora and fauna of that epoch found their reflection in the halls “Natural environment”, “Archaeology of Gobustan”, “Time-scale table”, “Ancient epoch” , “Primitive art”, “Petroglyphs of centuries” and others.

In the halls equipped with touch screens, visitors have opportunity to feel themselves in the anthropogenically illustrated environment, which is maximally close to real landscape, observe changes of the level of the Caspian Sea in the course of millenia, and also get information about the chronology of Gobustan petroglyphs. Also, tools of labour, things of adornment, primitive weapon and other exhibits that were found during archaeological excavations are demonstrated in the halls on the principle of cultural layer.

Besides, visitors, using magnifying glasses may clearly make out some stone tools and primitive weapon, get through 3D stone, touch “real” petroglyphs, and perform “Stone Age music” as well as participate in interactive games.

In the hall “Ancient artists” visitors are given opportunity to draw their own “petroglyphs” on the interactive tableau and send them to their own e-mail.

It is possible to watch film about Gobustan in the cinemahall.

Appliance of innovations in Gobustan museum is not restricted to the use of only technological advance. The way how data about interior supply of the museum and reserves should be represented is of great importance as well.

Gobustan National Historical-Artistic Reserve, meeting modern requirements, applies innovative methods to make a visit to Gobustan more interesting as well as works out new projects. In this way stage adaptation and games for tourists and visitors are organized. Here recreation of historical-cultural and geographical environment of various epochs is also included. And visitors at the same time get opportunity to become immediate participants of the interactive process.

For primary school pupils “Shaman” game is organized. Via this game, children learn the way of life at the Stone Age and reveal the importance of rock images, carved on the rocks of Gobustan – shamans, hunters, arrows and bows, and also animals in the life of Stone Age people. When this game was first organized few pupils applied to us, however, due to “friendship network” among children this game became popular and children turned into “little propagators” of Gobusan rock images.

Besides, non-governmental organizations regularly organize entertainment with the aim of giving the children notion about the way of life of Stone Age people at Gobustan reserve.

For senior pupils circles are organized at the reserve. In these circles talks about rock images and archaeology on the whole, are held with children as well as various entertaining games are organized for them. Children are explained the meaning of the images, carved on the rocks and information about the way of life at the Stone Age is given.

The picture exhibition which is held among schoolchildren, contributes to their rise of interest to rock images and appearance of their own “theories” about these pictures. In addition, these exhibitions let children demonstrate their skills and contribute to their personal “investigation” of Gobustan rock images.

Also via presentations regularly organized at schools and universities, the audience are presented data about Gobustan monuments, process of work and innovations at the reserve. They are given opportunity to suggest their own projects and proposals.

The role of social networks in the life of contemporary people is indispensable. Speaking about the role of society in the promotion of historical monuments, it is necessary to note the role of social networks. Due to them, people can exchange their thoughts and information being a long distance away from one another. Via social networks it is possible to spread information in a rapid and effective way among wider audience. On the Gobustan National Historical-Artistic Reserve facebook site, those who are interested, may discuss rock art and various topics on archaeology as well as input multimedia material here. For less than 5 months, more than 3300 users from 52 countries have visited the blog-page, that was created by the reserve worker.

Gobustan reserve also takes part in the data exchange via cooperation with private companies. The tourists, visiting Gobustan reserve, are offered supper in “Khazri” restaurant, the information about which is given in the booklets. Therefore, the restaurant staff is interested in the attendance of Gobustan reserve by the tourists.

On the territory adjacent to Gobustan reserve a lot of stone quarriors are functioning. Most of the truck drivers, working at these quarriors are residents of Gobustan village. In the nearest future one of the private companies is planning to organize show in the area of Big Gobustan with the participation of the world famous racer, Paris-Dakar seven times rally champion Vladimir Chagin on “KAMaz” truck. Also it is planned to use the Stone Age musical instrument – Gavaldash in the advertising campaign. This event will contribute to the attraction of truck drivers’ and rally fans’ attention to Gobustan rock images and will remind them of the importance of their preservation.

Gobustan reserve is always in close contact with local dwellers living in the vicinities of Gobustan. Rock images of Gobustan are the pride of Gobustan residents. Since ancient times, people that have lived in neighbouring territories considered mountains with rock images holy. On the territory of Gobustan there still exist worship places and sanctuaries of local residents (“Sofi Khamid”, “Sofi Novruz”, “Garaatli” and so on). These sanctuaries are still visited by the local people, who are at the same time witnesses of rock images. In these worship places “Dervish” ethnographic performance of mystic religious character is regularly organized. Residents of Gobustan village, during wedding ceremonies, go to Beyukdash Mountain and worship it. The reserve administration is interested in the preservation of this tradition. Such traditions remind the village dwellers of the role of this land in their religious, spiritual, and cultural life and arise interest in the preservation of cultural richness of the reserve. Gobustan residents are regularly interviewed about those innovations they would like to see at the reserve.

In future, participation of senior pupils and students in night photographing and taking imprints from rock carvings is planned. Also, the ballet staging “Shadows of Gobustan” by Faraj Garayev in natural landscape is planned. Besides, it is also planned to establish close cooperation with the lyceum specializing on teaching varous types of national handicraft that will be opened in the nearest future in Alat settlement.

Gobustan reserve was chosen as a participant of the “Museum connect – 2012” project on the basis of the grant received from the US State Department. According to the project, on October 21-27, 2012, 6 persons, chosen from Pueblo Indian community, the USA, and 6 persons, chosen among the Gobustan reserve staff, Gobustan village and other regions of Baku city, got closer acquaintance with Gobustan monuments and took part in the process of work together with the reserve staff. Further, in March, 2013, 6 participants from Azerbaijan will visit New-Mexico state, USA.

As a result of the implementation of all these innovative measures in the last few years the rise of interest to Gobustan reserve was observed. In 2007, after the inscription of Gobustan reserve on the UNESCO World Heritage List the number of visitors in comparison with the last year grew to 50 %, and in 2012, after putting a new museum building into operation, the number of visitors in 9 months grew twice.

Map of Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape
Gobustan Rock Art Site
Gobustan. Boyukdash mountain. Image of dancing people
Gobustan new museum complex
New museum exhibition. Gobustan Rock Art Cultural Landscape
Gobustan's new museum exhibition 1
Gobustan's new museum exhibition 2
Cafe of Gobustan's new museum
Conference room of Gobustan ne museum center
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