Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development
რეგიონალური თანამშრომლობა კულტურული მემკვიდრეობის განვითარებისათვის
Տարածաշրջանային համագործակցություն հանուն մշակութային ժառանգության զարգացման
Національна політика щодо культурної спадщини
Mədəni irsin inkişaf Etdimilməsi üçün regional əməkdaşlıq
Рэгіянальнае супрацоўніцтва ў мэтах развіцця культурнай спадчыны
Press Conference on Mtskheta World Heritage. PrimeTime Press Club 11.04.2013
In the framework of the EC funded project "Regional Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Development” (Activity 4.) a pess-conference – Mtskheta World Heritage in Danger - was held on 11.04.2013 by ICOMOS Georgia.
Call for Contributions - issue 3. Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal
ICOMOS Georgia and its partners – ICOMOS Armenia, Architectura I Prestizh (Ukraine), Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage – are pleased to announce Call for contributions for the issue 3 of the e-magazine - Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal, established within the framework of the project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development.
Working meeting on Cultural Heritage Policy in Kiev, January,10 , 2013!/media/set/?set=a.450079998379688.118920.362540590466963&type=1
3rd International Capacity Building Workshop – “National Policy of the Hritage Sector”. Tbilisi, 06 - 07 December 2012
A group of stakeholders from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Norway, and Ukraine with experience planning, implementing and analyzing cultural heritage policies on different levels, had gathered in Tbilisi. The purpose of the Workshop was to exchange experience accumulated in each country, to share best practices as well problems related to the workshop topic, and finally, to strengthen professional links within the EaP region and Europe.
3rd international capacity building workshop
Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal. 2nd Issue. Call for Contributions
ICOMOS Georgia and its partners – ICOMOS Armenia, Ltd. Architectura I Prestizh (Ukraine), Norwegian Directorate for Cultural Heritage – are pleased to announce that the issue 1 of the e-magazine Heritage Conservation. Regional Network Journal, established within the framework of the project Regional Co-operation for Cultural Heritage Development is available online .
RCCHD 2nd Capacity Building Workshop - Managing Cultural and Urban Landscapes. 15-16 November, 2012
During this workshop, heritage professionals from different countries have discussed conservation management issues and solutions.
Workshop –“Managing Cultural and Urban Landscapes”
2nd International Capacity Building Workshop –“Managing Cultural and Urban Landscapes” will be held in Tbilisi on 15-16, November, 2012 within the European Commission Eastern Partnership Culture programme funded project Regional Co-operation for the Cultural Heritage Development.
Press conference - The Education and Culture Side by Side, 27 october, 2012
on October 27, a press conference which summed the results of thematic seminars was held held in ‘’Erebuni’’ museum for a month. The seminars addressed to the 3 target groups: schoolchildren, teachers , representatives of local government were aimed to the capacity building.
Round Table Meeting: “Heritage Field Crisis: New Reality – New Challenges”. 26.10.12
Round Table Meeting: “New Reality – New Challenges” with NGOs and independent experts of the field of conservation in Georgia is taking place on Friday, October 26 at 16:00 at the ICOMOS Georgia office.
Community representatives and protection of cultural heritage. 19-20, October 2012
On October 19 and 20, two thematic seminars for representatives of local self-government bodies, related to cultural and archeological heritage, were held at “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve.
Education and Culture Side by Side
2 thematic seminars on cultural and archaeological heritage will be held for school teachers in ‘’Erebuni’’ Historical & Archaeological museum-reserve on October 16 and 18.
The participants of the last thematic seminar on Cultural Heritage were pupil of № 82 school after H.Poghosyan, Arabkir administrative district, Yerevan.
17 schoolchildren ,from № 82 school after H. Poghosyan, Arabkir administrative district, Yerevan, took part in the last 2 thematic seminars organized for pupil in ‘’Erebuni’’ historical & archaeological museum-reserve. 05.10.12
Surprising was the knowledge of a Regional schoolchildren on their native village Monuments. 04.10.2012
On 2 October, 2112 the 3rd thematic seminar for the school children was held at the Erebuni Museum-reserve
The school children from Yerevan school N 35 after N. Gogol have participated at thematic seminars on cultural heritage and confessed that Erebuni castle is the closest heritage for them.
Schoolchildren from Yerevan Art schools have participated at thematic seminars held in “Erebuni” Museum-Reserve. 27.0912
On September 27, 2012, “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve, in the framework of the "Regional Cooperation for Culture Heritage Development" project, hosted 15 schoolchildren from art schools N 1 after G.Saryan, N 17 after B.Kanachyan and from state Art college after P.Terlemezyan.
First Lesson of the Cultural and Archeological Heritage seminars for school children launched in “Erebuni” Museum-Reserve
Starting from 25 September 2012, thematic seminars for school children on ‘’Cultural heritage. preserve the past for future’’ and ‘’Archeological heritage. Erebuni’’ was launched in “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve in the context of an EU funded project. The first lesson of the thematic seminars was held in participation of the schoolchildren of N128 school after Lev Tolstoy, Arabkir community, Yerevan.
Cultural and Archeological Heritage seminars for school children launched in “Erebuni” Museum-Reserve thanks to EU support
Starting from 25 September 2012, thematic seminars for school children on cultural and archeological heritage will be launched in “Erebuni” Historical & Archaeological Museum-Reserve in the context of an EU funded project. 4 schools from Yerevan and 1 school from the region are included in the first cycle of the seminars. Seminars include in total 10 classes and are addressed to school children from 12-15 ages. Their goal is to promote the knowledge about heritage, starting from the middle school age, and promote school children knowledge and presence at heritage places.
International Workshop ''Heritage for society''
1st International Capacity Building Workshop “Heritage for Community” is planned to take place in Tbilisi during September 18-20th, 2012.
1st Thematic Workshop ‘Heritage for Society’ to be held in Tbilisi on 18-20th of September, 2012
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RCCHD Project:
Office 16b, Betlemi ascent, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
Tel.: +995 32 2-98-45-27
© 2012 - Eastern Partnership Culture Programme